Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Do Magick 30 Enchantment- Moovie Star Servitor Day 25


Late at night, past midnight, I had a friend test Aurora's summoning sigil and triangle, which seemed to be a success.

In the morning, I worked with Aurora on shielding herself and a little bit on traveling in the spirit world. Also, she's begun to understand that time in the spirit world works differently and is merrily skipping ahead in conversations and enjoying the strangeness of being able to be in multiple places at once.

One quick evocation in the morning was done to help her get her bearings.

She's shown some interest in meeting more magically active people, so I've tentatively asked some friends about having her over for a bit.

Her summoning to friend's was a little spastic. She came in way too over energetic (I think she was practicing with her chakras), so I had to teach her to ground real quick. Once she did come in, she was very, very nervous. Eventually she started having a panic attack and I sent her home.

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