Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Do Magick 30 Enchantment- Moovie Star Servitor Day 9


Did you ever make a substitution that was inspired in a way you didn't expect?

After cleansing with a shower and the om-moo method, I made prayer and offering to Lady Hathor. While I had planned on using fruit as an offering, I'd not had any, and grabbed a fruit pie from the gas station the night before in hopes it would be sufficient.

The invocation I read through has a snippet about Hathor riding in her father's boat, and the fruit pie just happens to look very much like a boat in shape. There was an unexpected synchronicity there.

The feelings of the invocation were 'distant presence' in many ways, prayer and offering accepted, the items blessed, the god's presence not fully in the room. Following instructions, I was as honest, forthright, and explicit as I could be in explaining what I was asked for, in hopes of it being dedicated to the highest good. Very patient, the goddess gave me a sign when asked to know that it was accepted and the task done.

Hail Hathor, Lady of Gold!

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