Saturday, February 24, 2018

Do Magick 30: Rage Meditation Day 24

Results: After working with my divination energy form, I did the divination invitational at Convocation. My results were on fire. I'd do reads I think were just random nonsense, then get complimented on the uncanny results. I can't know if the divination 'stretches' before the exercise are what made it work, but it certainly seems like a possibility.

Meditation Length: ~10-15 minutes, cooldown incoming

Writing up results and exercise early today due to convocation attendance. Used no energy form, wanting to feel the rage again, but still included willpower, resistance, and healing energies to keep things from spiraling out too far. Definitely felt more, body heat rising, shaking and growling, but I got a lot further depth without feeling it was too much than I had without including other energies.

Cooldown is going to be modified from my usual sigil table flip and rose quartz meditation as they're packed up. I think today, I'll be using the shower like a radioactive detox station pure mantra meditation.

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