Monday, February 19, 2018

Do Magick 30: Rage Meditation Day 19

Meditation Length: 15+, cooldown ~7 minutes

Used the sigil, the rage, the energy form, and just kept staring. I perpetually built up the rage energy, and it seemed to hold nearly no limit. It may have been optical illusion, but from the corners of my eyes as I stared at the sigil, my hands seemed to be glowing. My vision blurred and, occasionally, I felt very tired, but a sleepy tired, not a worn out tired.

The downside is, I don't really feel it as strongly- no shaking, growling, spitting berserk fury, just a cold, steady stare and a certainty of wrath. The plus side is, it's not playing havoc with my body- no throat pain, no aches, no worries of heart attack. I may try some adjustments to see if I can attain a place somewhere between, with a more palpable mental anger and less physical damage.

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