Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: # Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 19

Awful couple days. Apparently, I'm being evicted. Still, why let something like the jarring forced reconstruction of your day to day life get in the way?

My ride home from work in the morning, I could sense Jormangundr, enormous, towering in the sky. I made an offering of pure faith and energy, but an exhausted brain gained little from it.

As I arrive home now to begin the work of packing and preparing to move, I make a physical offering, the trance far from my addled mind. The world serpent is present and watchful.

It seems like it's been a rough time of transition for many these past few months, and I am no exception. Perhaps, active engagement in worship and offerings will aid in this transition, but only time will tell.

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