Friday, September 15, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: # Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 15

Recent events at work have been causing me a great deal of anxiety, manifesting in an unpleasant and innappropriate level of fury.

I begin thinking of asking Jormangundr for guidance in dealing with rage before the morning offering, and his voice unbidden comes.

"Destroy something."

I shake it off and proceed to prayer for more explicit instructions.

Prayer Snippet:

"You who have endured the rage of gods and men, giant and beast, nature itself, I ask for your wisdom in quelling this anger."

In more specific, I am instructed to destroy something as an effigy, not as a spell to target the objects of my frustration, but as a stand in for rage that might be unleashed non-constructively. My first instinct is to make a drawing, but my second is to play some FPS video games, fragging my way to calm- but it's been so long since I've played that all my games need serious download times, and I revert to my first impulse.

I draw a little figure closely resembling the persons most invoking my ire, then I draw a monstrous mouth around them, eyes of flame, fanged maw- a totemic manifestation of my rage. I then proceed to bite, claw, punch, hiss, and otherwise express my rage into the drawing before brutally dismembering it with a pair of scissors. The anger seemed to dissipate a good bit after that. Simple, largely psychological, but effective.

I have continued to read Neolithic Shamanism in hopes of some useful insights, the most recent being insights into blessings and prayers. Rarely did I pray before this last month, and it felt odd to think of it as a skill to me until now.  The blessing, being a conduit for the power of some other entity, had truly not really been something I'd even worried about being able to do. Now that I've continued work with a few deities, I'm feeling as if this may be worth pursuing should Jormangundr or other divinities prove amenable.

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