Friday, September 1, 2017

Jormangundr & Neolithic Shamanism: #DoMagic 30 Day Challenge Day 1

Decided to do this challenge along with all my other daily practices, jumping into Neolithic Shamanism to see if it's up my alley, and finding guidance as I read and research waiting on the book to show up, an article on Ergi and the idea that Jormangundr is a hermaphrodite and has their own rune.

The information blows my mind a little, having some pretty crazy encounters in spirit journeys with big snake, and I think it's a good time to establish a little more direction for my 30 days of learning. I try to figure out a good offering for Jormangundr and read the story of Thor's fishing with bull heads. Light bulb.

Going into my bag full of odds and ends I've saved for magic stuff, I find some old plastic cow farm animals alongside a copper snake figure a friend made for me pretty much on a whim. One decapitation later and I have a bull head and snake figure for my altar. I say a quick improvised prayer and get the feeling of it being appreciated.

Will be doing more formal offerings as the challenge progresses and see how our relationship fairs/ improves/evolves.

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