Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: #Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 7

As things grow more routine, it's often the case that something amazing doesn't happen every day, at least not right away. Pretty light day over all.

Very lightly attempted some contact with the rune Ior, Iormangundr's rune, while at work, using symbols to communicate. I felt myself neither over or underwhelmed in response, saying it could do the things it was known for, and perhaps some others, but I would have to experiment to find them.

While at work, a sample I prepare takes on an orobouros like pattern, with a serpent curled in a circle, with an egg between it's mouth and tail. I look into Aion, the cosmic serpent, and find some prayers that I will try out soon, but not yet. More work with Jormangundr's traditional form before further world exploring, unless prompted.

When I get home, I make an offering to the land spirits in the morning, some soy milk and energy. No real response.

I make my offer to Jormangundr, trancing again, eventually feeling that I can let go and place the meat upon the altar. There are a few aftershocks of joy, tingling all over my body, especially as I type this, as if to say, hey, don't act like that's nothing special.

I plan to place the Ior rune beneath my pillow to see if I can make contact with it in lucid dreams again.

Otherwise, it's more shielding, grounding, and cleansing in Neolithic style.

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