Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: #Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 5

Half awake dreaming, I saw a vision of a temple, and a glowing white version of the Ior rune at the precipice. Approaching, attempting to speak to the rune in hopes of gaining it as an ally, Jormangundr appeared, huge in the sky. I can't quite remember what was said, if anything.


Loki has let me know that Jormangundr is accepting offerings again. I've obtained some jerky as my impressions seem to indicate beef jerky is a good idea. The sea salt kind was both on sale and appropriate with the largely aquatic serpent, so I brought it to the altar and began to pray.

I eat half the jerky, in bonding and in recognition of the liminal space, offering eaten but uneaten, between. As I pray and acknowledge the World Serpents many aspects- male destructive, female protective, watchful cosmic neuter, promiscuous hermaphrodite, of the sea, the sky, the circle, the earth, the dragon, the cosmic, I go into a trance, feeling myself twist and convulse, my voice changing pitch from deep to high and back, being swept up in it's immensity, writhing like a snake, until I lick the offering, to share and to show Iormangand the perfection and beauty and delicious nature of limited, small, material moments, moments I wish to share, before placing it upon the altar.

The licking grounds me and ends the offering, but I feel as if it was well received.

I intend to shield, ground, and center before I sleep. Should my dreams feature him again, or other experience be triggered, I shall share it on day 6.

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