Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: # Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 14

The secret word of the day is finances.

So, I came home and decided to get straight to work. I've seen a lot of faces and masks to Jormangundr, being so vast as to be sort of wrapped around all kinds of things, and wanted to ask about whether or not they were involved in the world of the economy, as that too encircles the globe.

The first answer, post trance prayer and offering, was a clear no, but this was only one face. When pressed further, discussed, another guise of Jorm manifested, being simply a man in a business suit. Not expected.

We talk about money matters, and he says I should sell my screenplays, but is utterly vague on how or where, suggesting perhaps just sort of 'sending' their energy off into the astral and seeing what happens. It seems a rather intense option, but further discussion seems to be pretty adamant and clear.

1) Will be making movie money in near future

2) Definitely done with my current job

3) Should be getting some small change stuff in the immediate future

After some long goodbyes and some positive coaching on my self esteem, Jormangundr departed and I wrote up this entry. I'm not entirely sure I believe their very confident and assured predictions, but I suppose I shall see soon enough.

On another note, I don't know how many faces the World Serpent has, but from where I'm standing, it feels like a lot. I think I've experienced at least 5 distinctly different modes now, and I get the feeling there may be many more.

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