Friday, September 22, 2017

Jormangundr and Neolithic Shamanism: # Domagick 30 Day Challenge Day 22

I remember how powerful Jormangundr's presence felt outside in nature at the lake, so I return for my morning offering. I pray, very light trance, and then scatter the offering into the water.


So I wait, observing nature, sort of seeing if, perhaps, there was something missing that I might find with patience. I muse that outside, I can feel a greater sense of enormity. Jormangundr's head could be as large as the entire landscape I take in. I can see a fish beneath the algae, the green of it's scale near perfect camoflauge before it swims deeper into the darkness of the depths.

I keep watching.

A catfish appears, very large, snuffling up things from the muck. Is it a lesson? A test? Or simply nature doing it's thing? Very likely the latter, but observing nature can always yield lessons.

I keep watching.

The catfish might be eating the offerings, but part of the prayer is to fatten the fish that Jormangundr might eat them, so it is not a problem if such is the case. It leaves and returns three times, minnows scattering and swarming from an unseen attacker.

I feel mellow, at peace with watching the water locked cycle of life playing out, and finally decide to depart.

And of course, that's when I feel them, huge, parting the water, head far larger than a building. I wonder if Jorm will try to devour me.

"Why are you so small?"

A small fish left, a large one returned. From the depths, feeding and growing, it returns larger than the minnows it left behind. I remember Jormangundr's lessons, that size is relative, illusory.

"You are bigger than these problems and people. They are all small fish."

I take the thought to heart. I'm bigger than my circumstances and have a million ways to resolve the problems in front of me. I just have to remember it when the time is right.

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