Sunday, August 5, 2018

Do Magick 30, Summoning- Brood of Echidna Day 4



Today went much smoother.

The next of Echidna's children I met was a new form called W0RM (or at least, it enjoyed the name). Writhing and digital, W0RM eats it victim's from the inside out, eaten puppets. Gruesome, but their manner was relatively jovial, and they did not seem vindictive despite their methods.

Echidna offered me some of her milk. I took it graciously, and it seemed to curdle immediately. I dry heaved for about five minutes, letting whatever spirit stuff I needed to vomit out come up. She said it would alleviate an unwanted part of my humanity, though I've yet to determine what that part is. Perhaps I'll know by tomorrow.

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