Sunday, December 17, 2017

Do Magick 30 Challenge- Transition Meditations Day 17

Had a pretty busy 24 hours previous, along with a pretty intense therapy session. Been a while since I cried like that.

Body: Usual affirmations.

Mind: I went through to times where I've been sad and left sobbing, even borderline suicidal. I just tried to comfort myself, let me know it gets better, see the brighter future. The changing of my internal images and voices gives me comfort, lets me see that the real me is not an illusion, or simply a goal, but a real and primary part of myself.

Soul: I started with entering the body to look at it energetically, and I feel like I've made good progress in being more energetically feminine. Still, my inner monologue tends to switch between a male and female voice and I wanted to investigate that. Going up to some controls, they'd been switched while I was out of the room, so to speak, and investigation turned up some 90s looking grunge girl behind it. It seemed to be some alternate time line possible self, turning off the female monologue out of some frustration of not being real.

Did a little extra testing on some of my other inner selves, seeing what effect changes upon them might have upon me.

Some of it has gone fuzzy on me. I cannot remember.

Results: The last day or so have been rough, but possibly a good rough. I'm upset about some things, but they are the things that let me know something is wrong and lead me to take action. My laptop cord has been crushed/killed/destroyed, so I'll be off to get a new one today.

I feel as if there is some kind of parallel in the idea that the physical often gets in the way of the metaphysical.

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